Editing Services
What I Edit
Fiction—short story, novella, novel
Nonfiction—memoir, literary nonfiction (essay or book length)
What Your Edit Will Include
Line Editing
- Proofreading for grammar, punctuation, sentence structure
Creative Writing
- Use of the five senses
- Use of dialogue
- Use of literary devices
- Character development
- Chapter & scene hooks and endings
- Plotting (fiction)
- Literary structure (nonfiction)
$15 per page (250 words)
Ways to Save
- Purchase a 1-chapter edit, then apply the concepts to the rest of your chapters on your own.
- Find a friend who is good at proofreading to correct your grammar because they love you!
- Use the free writer helps posted on this page.
Writing Tools
These are a few tools and tricks that have helped me become a stronger writer and edit better!