Charles Martin Delivers Art in Writing Craft and Story Sometimes Martin's secondary characters are so quirky and loveable that you want to meet them. He also serves up plenty of adventure--epic journeys, plane crashes, evil to be thwarted. Martin is always a great read!
Marissa de los Santos Books: Lyrical and True Marissa de los Santos' writing is truly art, yet so relatable.
Stephen King wrote something besides horror! Check out his memoir, Stephen King On Writing!
BOOK SHOTS: Prince Harry’s Spare
Prince Harry's Memoir: Worth Reading Reading this book is a guilty pleasure—about being royal from the particularly mum monarchy!
BOOK SHOTS: Lian Dolan’s Elizabeth the First Wife
All Lian Dolan's books are top notch! Elizabeth the First Wife was especially funny.
BOOK SHOTS: Scott Westerfeld’s Uglies
If you even if you only "sorta" like sci-fi, you'll love Scott Westerfeld's Uglies and Imposters series! I've used Westerfeld examples to teach creative writing for years.
BOOK SHOTS: Patti Callahan’s Becoming Mrs. Lewis
This is a novel about C.S. Lewis and his wife's love story, told from her perspective.
BOOK SHOTS: Beth Moore’s All My Knotted-Up Life
BOOK SHOTS: Lisa Samson’s The Passion of Mary-Margaret
A very satisfying read, especially if you're a romantic, Catholic, or need a shot of hope.
BOOK SHOTS: Anthony Ray Hinton’s The Sun Does Shine
Anthony Ray Hinton's memoir smacks you upside the head to quit whining over injustices you've suffered and follow him onto the high road of overcoming. A glorious life!
BOOK SHOTS: Sunshine Vicram Series
This week's Book Shot covers a fun, 3-book series.
Launching Book Shots of My Fav Books
Starting today, I'll serve weekly Book Shots: Short, shot-glass-sized videos about books I love. If you like the stories I've written, chances are good that you'll enjoy the same books I like to read. Just sayin'! Here's my two cents about Joshilyn Jackson's Never...
Where I Write My Words
On Loma Vista Street, my writing space started out on a desk my father-in-law had found in his Johnstown, Pennsylvania, alley and refinished. I pushed it up against a window in the corner of our bedroom in 2002 and wrote nearly every day, a lifetime of words finally...
May-December at Arcosanti (A Short Story)
A bell someone had hung in the olive trees tinkled in the breeze. Nate sat in the grass cross-legged with his palms open and relaxed, but he wasn’t meditating. It was more of a pose—waiting to receive what the universe had for him. His gaze raked over the rocky gorge...
Superstitious Friends (Poem)
Superstitious Friends By Ann Lee Miller From the end of my street, I see the Superstition Mountains run skyward, Stalwart sisters, draped in haze and the color blue— A hue I’ve never seen them wear. After decades of daily acquaintance, their beauty...
About Ann
Ann Lee Miller holds a BA and MFA in creative writing. She teaches writing online for Grand Canyon University. She’s lived in Ohio, Indiana, Arizona, and Oregon but left her heart in Florida where she grew up. Over 100,000 copies of her novels have been downloaded from Amazon. She is hard at work on a memoir-novel about growing up on a sailboat. When she’s not embroiled in a crisis–real or imagined–you’ll find her hiking with her husband or meddling in her kids’ lives.