Launching Book Shots of My Fav Books

Launching Book Shots of My Fav Books

Starting today, I’ll serve weekly Book Shots: Short, shot-glass-sized videos about books I love. If you like the stories I’ve written, chances are good that you’ll enjoy the same books I like to read. Just sayin’! Here’s my two cents...
Where I Write My Words

Where I Write My Words

On Loma Vista Street, my writing space started out on a desk my father-in-law had found in his Johnstown, Pennsylvania, alley and refinished. I pushed it up against a window in the corner of our bedroom in 2002 and wrote nearly every day, a lifetime of words finally...
May-December at Arcosanti (A Short Story)

May-December at Arcosanti (A Short Story)

A bell someone had hung in the olive trees tinkled in the breeze. Nate sat in the grass cross-legged with his palms open and relaxed, but he wasn’t meditating. It was more of a pose—waiting to receive what the universe had for him. His gaze raked over the rocky gorge...