by Ann Lee Miller | Aug 18, 2017 | Ashland OH, Ashland University, Blog, Just The Facts Fridays
When I met the man who would own my heart forever, I thought something in me would stand up and cheer. But it didn’t happen that way. I sat Indian style on the floor of the packed living-dining room of the Alpha Theta House in September 1978 at Ashland College in...
by Ann Lee Miller | Aug 11, 2017 | Ashland OH, Ashland University, Blog, Just The Facts Fridays
I looked up from the front desk of Amstutz Hall at the coeds and frat guys funneling through the glass doors into the glare of the lobby lights. The scents of bonfire and beer drifted toward me as I reached for the girls’ keys in the mailboxes behind me. They hovered...
by Ann Lee Miller | Aug 4, 2017 | Blog, Hendersonville NC, Just The Facts Fridays
I’d hiked uphill behind Ridgecrest Baptist Conference Center in Black Mountain, North Carolina. A summer breeze ruffled the nearby leaves and cooled the sweat on my skin. I turned around to a sea of greens my color-blind eyes couldn’t catalogue. A dirt road curled up...
by Ann Lee Miller | Jul 28, 2017 | Blog, Florida Southern College, Just The Facts Fridays
I sat on the edge of Mom’s bed, staring, not at her, but at the palm frond that had drooped and dried over a picture frame—left over from last Palm Sunday. I focused back on Mom’s brown eyes—that held half the hazel of my own—sucked in a breath for courage. “I want to...
by Ann Lee Miller | Jul 21, 2017 | Blog, Florida Southern College, Just The Facts Fridays
I headed across the hall toward my R.A.’s room to thank her for the post-it note wishing me well on my media writing test. But when I leaned through her doorway, instead of Judy Rock’s perky smile, I came face to face with Jesus Christ. Or rather, an artist’s...
by Ann Lee Miller | Jul 14, 2017 | Blog, Florida Southern College, Just The Facts Fridays
I didn’t belong here in this hazy rented hall that smelled of hops and hairspray and heated bodies. The knowing started in my sternum and crawled outward. I crammed it back into the corner where I kept God at times like this. The ƩAEs and a cadre of coeds danced to...