by Ann Lee Miller | Jun 16, 2017 | Blog, Florida Southern College, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
Mom and I motored southwest on I-4, diagonally bisecting Florida with our Plymouth Duster crammed full of my clothes, plants, posters, Peanuts sheets I’d swiped from R.J.—all my possessions and possibilities. New Smyrna Beach lay behind us, the place I’d always call...
by Ann Lee Miller | Jun 2, 2017 | Blog, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
A wet breeze ruffled my red, white and blue tassel as I stood behind the bleachers with a clipboard, lining up my classmates for graduation—my last duty as vice president of the New Smyrna Beach High School Class of 1976. Ordinary kids from small-town, ocean-side...
by Ann Lee Miller | May 26, 2017 | Blog, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
While swimming double workouts—AAU and high school—and plowing through the Orangebelt Conference swim season, Paul Grabiak’s perfect pecs popped into my peripheral vision. Senior prom had come and gone without my attending, despite the promises of the...
by Ann Lee Miller | May 19, 2017 | Blog, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
I jostled on the seat of the big brown Impala as we bounced over a rut. Excitement fluttered in my stomach. Our first keg party. Jackie Herold gripped the steering wheel tighter and peered down the beam of her headlights. We’d lurched off the smooth, sand road onto a...
by Ann Lee Miller | May 12, 2017 | Blog, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
I tapped my foot and stared at the triangle of skin between James Knox’s brows and the top of his sunglasses—red-framed today. “What’s your answer?” I clenched my arms across my waist. “You’ve kept me hanging for a week.” He dropped his head, sighed, faced me. “Yeah,...
by Ann Lee Miller | May 5, 2017 | Blog, Just The Facts Fridays, New Smyrna Beach FL
David Lossing peered at me through his glasses, mad professor hair springing from his scalp. “The same kids have been running the class since middle school. Pick an office. I don’t care which. Just throw your name into the race.” I’d only attended New Smyrna Beach...